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NGC Rules Supplement #1


Certain special powers are common to many Army Cards. For these powers, only the name is listed on the card. Refer to the below for those powers and their effects.


When counting spaces for a figure’s movement with Flying, ignore elevations. This figure may fly over water without stopping, pass over figures without becoming engaged, and fly over obstacles such as ruins. When this figure starts to fly, if the figure is engaged it will take any leaving engagement attacks.


When counting spaces for a figure’s movement with Stealth Flying, ignore elevations. This figure may fly over water without stopping, pass over figures without becoming engaged, and fly over obstacles such as ruins. If this figure is engaged when it starts to fly, it will not take any leaving engagement attacks.


A figure with Disengage is never attacked when leaving engagement.


A figure with Phantom Walk can move through all figures and is never attacked when leaving engagement.


NGC cards refer to the 20-sided die as "a d20".


An Atmosphere is a fixed rule, or set of rules, that can be applied to any game scenario. Wave 3: Whenua Streetside introduces the Darkness Atmosphere, for battles that occur under the cover of night or in deep and gloomy catacombs.


In Darkness, line of sight and clear sight are restricted to 4 spaces. Figures that are farther apart cannot normally see each other.


Streetlamps are an obstacle that blocks figures' movement and is 10 levels tall. Figures adjacent to a Streetlamp are illuminated, which means that they can be seen at any distance in Darkness and never receive any effects from occupying shadow spaces.


Certain special powers (on New Generations Customs Army Cards) mention "Icons". An Icon is an object that can occupy the spaces of the battlefield and be occupied by figures. The effect of each Icon is written on the Army Card that places it. Icons can be placed in one of two ways, with different rules.


If an Icon is placed under a figure, it travels with that figure wherever it goes and has no effects on any other figure. If that figure is destroyed, remove the Icon from the battlefield.


If an icon is placed on a space, it remains stationary unless otherwise noted in a special power. Figures can move onto and off of the Icon as though it was a Glyph or Treasure Glyph, and do not have to end their movement on the Icon. It is possible for a Glyph and one or more Icons to occupy the same space. If there are any Icons on a space, that space is not considered "empty".


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